How to join Minster Probus Club

Most new members are introduced by an existing member but if you don't know anyone, you can turn up to one of our meetings when you will be welcomed by a committee member.  If you contact our Secretary beforehand, he will brief you about the meeting before you arrive. The good news is that there is no charge for attending the first meeting, including joining us for lunch.   

During the meeting our Secretary will provide you with an application form and a copy of our Constitution.  If you decide to join you will be asked to pay a joining fee to cover the cost of your badges, currently £10 and an annual subscription, currently £20, reduced to £10, if you join after October.  You will be expected to pay the joining fee and annual subscription when you return your application form.  

Our monthly meeting charge is currently £18 and covers the cost of our speaker and the two course lunch with coffee that follows.